Tuesday 11 February 2014

How to make sure you're infected with tuberculosis?

Asks the reader: causes me in the winter is a skin disease beads inflamed in the leg, and soon disappear with the onset of spring, you do analysis on suspicion that he was told that "tuberculosis" is uncertain, but what can I do to make sure of that?

Professor of Chest Diseases, said: Tuberculosis is an infection that affects the body, and can infect most tissues, but mostly affects the respiratory system, causing symptoms such as persistent cough and phlegm, with loss of appetite, sweating and heat, have been mixed with phlegm with blood, It can cause changes in the appearance of the skin. And the way the spread of tuberculosis and infection by pointed to the next:

Air: it passes through the infection of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis only, when the people with cough or speak, or spit or sneeze, they publish germs in the air, and transmitted the infection to humans through airborne droplets, or by inhalation of dust.

Food, especially milk: rarely transmitted through food and affects the intestines, but that which is transmitted in this way does not affect the lungs, and is not transmitted through the air.

He that the test result does not mean the disease can be positive when the carrying bacteria, and when the they were exposed to previously, and be positive when those suffering from the disease,

 so it is necessary to make sure there is no bacteria in the body, and this would be the work of the farm expectorant (sputum culture) and a blood test and X-ray to make sure the body free of bacteria.

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